We have made it!


That’s correct we got in around 3:30 yesterday! We took a plane from St. Louis to Detroit. From there we took our connecting flight to Japan which was 12 hours and 40 minutes. Much like how I was, that seemed like an impossible time and I wasn’t sure on how I was going to get through it.  In all honestly it wasn’t terrible. I watched Moana and Bad Moms along with some comical TV shows. 

We were greated by several students from Technos who were more than happy to get to know all of us. They spoke very good English with only rare language barriers. The helped me get my money switched over to Japans currency known as Yen.

We took a bus for 2 hours to get from the airport to our hotel. We passed through several famous landmarks, such as the Tokyo Tower and Disney Land – Japan. The students prepared several games to keep us all entertained and to break any awkward tension.

We arrived at the hotel where they gave us meal tickets and told us our roommates. I am rooming with Clayton who is the other McKendree student who came. 

At dinner we had beef and veggies, wonton soup, coconut shimp with mushrooms, rice, and some other meat dish. The food was excellent and very fulfilling. I got to know some other students that were from the United States and we all talked about our majors and why we wanted to come. 

After dinner I returned to my room which was a lot smaller than I expected. But being in a) Japan and b) a big city, I could understand the need for space. The room fits two twin size mattress and 2 desk. Clayton and I soon found out you have to keep your stuff off the ground or you would be tripping over something. The bathroom is big enough to stand in one spot. I found it odd that the shower was built down in the ground to accommodate the small height of the room. 

I changed and laid in my bed at 8 pm and no sooner I passed out and slept till 4:30 this morning. I am now waiting on 7 am to come so I can go get some breakfast. I am very exicted to try more food. 

Today we will be traveling to Technos college where we will have introductions, and our opening ceremony. After that we will all be going out for dinner at some locals restaurants with the students. I really hope I get some sushi!! 

More to come! 


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